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We buy Old stuff INC moves to its own Online sales/auction platform!

WBOS started modestly buying and selling collectibles from fleamarkets and sales then reselling online.
Now, with over 20 years experience we are pleased to welcome you to our own website.

We are a family business that after 2 decades, really enjoys possession and asset speculation! Are looking to buy? Are you looking to sell? Let us put our experience to work for you.
We can consign one piece to entire collections.

We buy old stuff buys and sells:
Antique and vintage cars, trucks and parts.
Vintage and antique boats motors and parts
Vintage and antique Toys: (Bicycles trains, slotcars, die cast hotwheels, Match box pressed steel, GI JOE, Transformers, voltron, Masters of the universe, other action figures.
Vintage electronics (tube, solid state and others, Fans Phones and lights
Vintage Industrial Cabinets, furniture (missing several pictures)
What other items am I forgetting

We accept Consignments!

Use our consignment form to submit your item(s) for a free evaluation.

Go to Consignment Form
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